Based on 111 decompiled using MCP 935 rc1 The problem is that the attribut netminecraftentityEntityglowing is not set to true when a player has the glowing effect ( netminecraftentityEntityLivingBaseonUpdate ()) only the flag 6 is set The method netminecraftentityEntityonUpdate () then sets the flag 6 back to false because · Glowing Effect A plugin that adds a glowing effect to your items Commands /glow adds the glowing effect to your actual item /glow (Player) adds the glowing effect to the player's actual item Permission "glowcmd" for using the command · Changes in 117 Prerelease 1 Candles have been added back to the creative inventory Recipes for crafting and dying candles are once again available Candles now have a different texture when lit Glowing text on signs now has an outer glow, making text in dark colours more visible in the dark
Kmpe For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1 15